Assam Polytechnic PAT 2020: Exam postponed until further notification

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Assam Polytechnic PAT 2020 exam date was announced earlier this year. Assam Polytechnic PAT (Polytechnic Admission Test) is a state level exam conducted in every MAY month. Through this exam, students get admission in various Diploma Courses in Engineering for the session 2020-21.

Assam Polytechnic PAT examination is conducted by the Directorate of Technical Education, Assam. Candidates can get admission in various polytechnic institutes of Assam state. The examination has been conducted through pen and paper based mode.

Directorate of Technical Education (DTE) Assam has announced to postpone Assam PAT 2020 due to the widespread outbreak of the CoronaVirus. Earlier, Assam PAT 2020 was scheduled to be held on May 10. The officials will now announce the new exam date later.

Assam Polytechnic Exam Date 2020

The Polytechnic Admission Test (PAT) 2020 Polytechnic Admission Test (MOM) 2020 & DBHRGFTI (PAT) 2020 are postponed, and new date of test will be notified soon. Portal of online submission of application and fees are kept open for convenience of the candidate.

Read the article here – 👇

Note- Please don’t rely on this information, better do have your own self check on the official website.